Thursday, March 29, 2007

Jenson gets to testing in Malaysia


Jenson Button joined the team in Sepang this afternoon to take over the test programme from Rubens for the remainder of the test. He completed a couple of runs to acclimatise himself with the circuit and conditions before working through a chassis set-up evaluation completing 24 laps.

Jenson will complete the final day of testing tomorrow.

The RA107 still isn't showing signs of speed, and Rubens' engine blew out. Ouch.


Anonymous said...

Great blog :-)

I agree, it's still looking like Honda are a long way off the pace. But on the plus, Jenson did more than 90 laps today - that's a lot of data. And add to that, testing has been extended by a day due to poor weather conditions. Lets hope they find some solutions quick!

Unknown said... ;)